Incident Management
The Incident Management module is present in both Safety and Environmental Software Suites, but is configured in each suite to meet the unique requirements of the field. Developed and enhanced by EHS professionals with field experience, our incident reporting software enables organizations to collect comprehensive data on incidents, create an accurate picture of the event, identify root causes and learning points, implement corrective actions, and ensure proper incident notification up the chain of command.
Key Benefits of the Incident Management Module
This module will help environmental/EHS professionals to:
- Streamline environmental incident reporting and investigation workflow and build a consistent process across sites, business units, and/or countries
- Implement actions that will prevent a similar incident from happening again
- Promote data integrity and compliance with complete, comprehensive, and accurate incident reports and investigations
- Improve and accelerate information sharing between environmental professionals, supervisors, and managers
- Use metrics to track environmental/safety performance and identify root causes, risks, hazards, and trends so you can prioritize efforts and make impactful changes
- Support adherence to environmental management system standards
Key Components
This module includes many invaluable features that will help you quickly and effectively realize the benefits described above. The features fall into five groups:
- Incident Reporting and Notification
- Data Collection and Investigation
- Root Cause Analysis
- Investigation Approvals and Corrective Action Tracking
- Incident Management Metrics
- Integration Points
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